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HZS75 Concrete Batching Plant

HZS75 Concrete Batching Plant

HZS75 Concrete Batching Plant

HZS75 Concrete Batching Plant

Product Description HZS75 concrete batching plant is a full-automatic concrete batching plant composed of mixing, تجميع, electrical control system and other parts, equipped with individual manual control, automatic compensation for drop difference and compensation for moisture content of sand and gravel, which can automatically complete the scheduled tank production, with…

سعة: 75م³/ساعة
إجمالي الطاقة: 132KW
حاوية: 40HQ*3

$41000 ~ 46000 دولار أمريكي


وصف المنتج

HZS75 concrete batching plant is a full-automatic concrete batching plant composed of mixing, تجميع, electrical control system and other parts, equipped with individual manual control, automatic compensation for drop difference and compensation for moisture content of sand and gravel, which can automatically complete the scheduled tank production, with theoretical productivity of 75 متر مكعب في الساعة, discharge height of 3.8 meters, storage hopper volume of 8 cubic meters*3 or 4 bins, and the supporting host is JS1500 type forced double horizontal shaft mixer. JS1500 type forced double horizontal shaft mixer. HZS75 batching plant has a small amount of investment capital, occupies a small site, less equipment, easy maintenance of equipment, يمكن تجهيزها لأداء غرفة التحكم المستقلة, so that the operation of the equipment is convenient and safe, the production of high quality and efficient concrete.

خصائص الأداء

  • It can save up to one-half to two-thirds of land occupation area compared with the usual inclined belt conveying batching plant, and it is cheaper than HZS90 batching plant.
    HZS75 simple batching plant adopts the way of hoisting hopper for loading, and the unique design of hopper and track can conveniently and efficiently hold and dump the aggregate, and greatly reduce the occupied area of the site.
  • The main mixing system of the steel beam type concrete batching plant can be installed in a few hours from the unloading of the truck to the installation of other supporting equipment such as the control room and batching plant, and the 75m3/h batching plant can be ready for production in two to four days.
  • Easy maintenance of equipment, mixing platform, metering platform and lifting system platform fully ensure the need for calibration, inspection and maintenance of equipment. يمكن تجهيزها بغرفة تحكم مستقلة للأداء, which makes the operation of the plant easy and safe, and can produce high quality and efficient concrete even if the batching machine is accurate in metering.
  • The mixing host and aggregate lifting adopts JS1500 forced concrete mixer, which has good mixing quality and high efficiency.
  • The aggregate batching system of HZS75 batching plant production line adopts PLD2400 concrete batching machine, with accurate measurement and high production efficiency.
  • The ingredients of cement, water and liquid admixture are measured by electronic scale with high accuracy.
  • The water supply system adopts the principle of siphon pump pressurization, which makes the water flow faster and spray evenly, the structure principle has obtained the national patent.

المعلمات التقنية

HZS75 Concrete Batching Plant
إنتاجية النظرية(م³/ساعة)75
ارتفاع التفريغ القياسي(م)4.2
مزيج وقت الدورة(ق)60
إجمالي الطاقة(KW)132
نموذج الخلاطJS1500A
نموذج آلة تجميعPLD2400 Pneumatic Independent Weighing
عرض الحزام (مم)800
طاقة آلة الحزام (KW)7.5
طريقة التغذيةHopper
دقة وزنإجمالي≤2
الفحم الأسمنت والرماد≤1
نموذج النقل المسمارLSY219 Italy Technology
صومعة2×100t+1×60t Detachable Silo
نظام التحكمالسيطرة المركزية
مو1 تعيين
موعد التسليم12أيام
ميناء التسليمتشينغداو أو تيانجين