Central dosadora móvel de concreto

Central dosadora móvel de concreto

Uma central dosadora móvel de concreto é uma instalação versátil e portátil projetada especificamente para a produção eficiente de concreto em vários canteiros de obras.. Ao contrário das centrais dosadoras estacionárias tradicionais, a versão móvel é montada sobre um chassi e pode ser facilmente transportada para diferentes locais, oferecendo alta flexibilidade e economia. Esta mobilidade é particularmente vantajosa para projetos que requerem produção de concreto em áreas remotas ou de difícil acesso, ou onde a relocação frequente da planta é necessária. As centrais dosadoras móveis são equipadas com os mesmos componentes essenciais das plantas estacionárias, incluindo misturadores, agregados, silos de cimento, e sistemas de controle, ensuring the same quality of concrete production.

One of the key benefits of a mobile concrete batching plant is the quick setup time, which allows construction projects to commence without delays associated with concrete transportation or installation of stationary plants. It is commonly used for short-term or medium-scale projects like road construction, bridge building, and infrastructure development. With its compact design, ease of operation, and capacity to produce consistent, high-quality concrete on demand, mobile batching plants provide an efficient solution for projects requiring on-site concrete production with minimal logistical challenges.

What is a Mobile Concrete Batching Plant?

Being used at almost all construction projects, concrete is now produced at concrete plants with precise weighing and high mixing technology. Agregar, cimento, a água e os aditivos são pesados ​​com precisão em balanças de acordo com as receitas de concreto determinadas em testes laboratoriais anteriores e são misturados homogeneamente por betoneiras rápidas de alta eficiência para produzir concreto de alta qualidade.

No passado, todas as usinas de concreto produziam como usinas de concreto estacionárias, e mesmo os menores poderiam ser instalados em um determinado período de tempo após o transporte com quatro a cinco caminhões; essas plantas estacionárias produziram concreto no mesmo local por muitos anos. O aumento tanto no número de projetos de construção quanto na quantidade de concreto necessária nesses projetos, bem como a necessidade de concluir esses projetos em pouco tempo, levaram empresas de construção a produzir o concreto necessário para seus projetos.

No decorrer do tempo, as construtoras precisavam de usinas móveis de concreto, que são mais flexíveis, mais fácil de transportar e instalar do que usinas de concreto estacionárias, because they needed to transfer their plants from one place to another as they completed their projects. Mobile concrete plants have been designed to satisfy these needs.

A Mobile Concrete Plant consists of the same units as in a stationary concrete plant, where these units are fixed on a chassis with axles and wheels. When this chassis is towed by a truck tractor, the mobile concrete plant can easily be transported.

What are the Advantages of Mobile Concrete Batching Plants?

When compared to stationary concrete plant, Mobile Concrete Plant offer the following advantages to its users:

1. Easier to transport. The main unit of a Mobile Concrete Plant can be transported by a truck tractor.

2. Faster and easier installation, disassembling and translocating. Flexibility.

3. Less installation space. Installable within the project area.

4. Less concrete foundation requirement. Installable on a flat concrete floor.

5. Easier installation permission. In some cases, no permission is required.

The abovementioned advantages allow project-based construction companies to have great flexibility and to make significant savings in their total costs. Mobile Concrete Plants are mostly preferred by construction companies for their project-based works.

YHZS25 Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

Where to Use Mobile Concrete Batching Plants?

Mobile Concrete Plants are the product of a sophisticated engineering work. All units are placed in a smaller area through aesthetic design. They are also preferred by ready mixed concrete companies for major construction projects to which they supply concrete, by establishing a mobile concrete plant within the area of a project to make concrete production only for that project.

Before the Mobile Concrete Plants, construction companies were providing concrete from ready-mixed concrete companies if there is any near the project area, or they were establishing a stationary concrete plant for their project. However, in some countries and for some projects, this procurement way increased the costs of the construction companies as well as caused them not to supply high-quality concrete on time.

Various types of Mobile Concrete Plants offer appropriate solutions for any projects, allowing all construction companies to be more independent and more flexible regarding the concrete production for their projects.

Features of Mobile Concrete Batching Plants

  • Modular Design: Components can be easily assembled and disassembled for efficient transportation and setup.
  • Advanced Control Systems: Computerized systems ensure precise mixing and batching, optimizing production quality and consistency.
  • Durable Construction: Built to withstand harsh working conditions and heavy loads.
  • Environmental Compliance: Adheres to industry standards for emissions and waste management.
  • Customization Options: Available with various capacities, configurations, and additional features to meet specific project needs.

Units required for Mobile Concrete Batching Plants​


Other units required for the mobile concrete plant, i.e. cement silo, cement conveyor, cement silo filter and aggregate pre-feeding system, can be transported with standard trucks or containers. In Mobile Concrete Plants, aggregate hoppers are generally square type hoppers where two aggregate chambers are placed on one side and the other two aggregate chambers on the opposite side.

Aggregate hopper can be filled through a concrete/steel aggregate loading ramp or more effectively through Aggregate Pre-Feeding System. There are two types of Aggregate Pre-Feeding System.

  1. Compact Aggregate Pre-Feeding System ( Can be shipped via a Truck or Container )
  2. Mobile Aggregate Pre-Feeding System ( Just like the Mobile main unit, axles and wheels are placed at the back and it can be transported by a truck tractor )

Mobile Concrete Batching Plants installation time

The electricity cabling and water and pneumatic system piping on Mobile Concrete Plants are generally installed during the production of the plant at the factory. This allows to save considerable time at the place of installation and shortens the installation time of the mobile plant. A stationary concrete plant with medium capacity can be installed in 14-21 days, whereas the mobile concrete plant can be installed in 7-9 days.

A thin and flat concrete basement is usually enough for Mobile Concrete Plants. There is no need for concrete foundations with a certain height as required for Stationary Concrete Plants. This provides the user with a significant advantage in terms of concrete foundation costs that should be borne for each installation.

Mobile Concrete Plants are equipped with weighing conveyors and weighing hoppers of high weighing precision. All concrete production process is carried out with a fully automatic and computerized PLC control system, o concreto pode ser produzido de acordo com a receita do concreto, e todos os parâmetros podem ser controlados e gravados. A betoneira com alta precisão de pesagem e alta tecnologia afeta diretamente a qualidade do concreto.

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