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Plant de mélange de sol stabilisé sans fond rapide

Plante de mélange de sol stabilisé

Integrated quick-install foundation-free Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant

Plante de mélange de sol stabilisé

Product Description The Integrated Quick-install Foundation-free Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant, also known as thePugMill Mixing PlantorContinuous Mixing Plant“, is equipped with a continuous mixer and a continuous batching machine. This plant discharges materials continuously during production and is commonly used to produce various materials that serve as…

Capacité: 200-800ème
Puissance totale: 75-200KW
Récipient: 1-5*40HQ

$$29000 ~ 71000 USD


Description du produit

The Integrated Quick-install Foundation-free Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant, also known as thePugMill Mixing PlantorContinuous Mixing Plant“, is equipped with a continuous mixer and a continuous batching machine. This plant discharges materials continuously during production and is commonly used to produce various materials that serve as substrates for infrastructure projects such as roads, barrages, and airport runways. These materials include roller compacted concrete, cement-stabilized soil, lime-stabilized soil, cement-stabilized macadam, and cold mix asphalt concrete.

Caractéristiques de performances​

Huihong Machinery’s continuous mixing plant is characterized by accurate metering, performances stables, and a compact footprint. Its maximum output can reach up to 800 tonnes par heure. For temporary projects, mobile continuous mixing plants are available.

  • These plants feature a double-horizontal-shaft forced continuous mixing main machine, ensuring uniform mixing and a long service life.
  • All batching systems are controlled by a PLC computer with variable frequency speed regulation, providing reliable program operation and high precision.
  • The modular container design allows for quick installation and dismantling, making it suitable for various construction sites.
  • The mixer is equipped with an extended mixing drum and efficient mixing blades, capable of producing over 200,000 tons of finished materials.
  • The water supply system utilizes intelligent electromagnetic flow meters and frequency conversion technology for accurate measurement and remote control.
  • The finished product silo system employs pneumatic double doors and a four-cylinder structure to ensure smooth production, with a movable steel anti-segregation device to prevent segregation during material discharge.

Paramètres techniques

Productivité nominale200Ème300Ème400Ème500Ème600Ème
Taille de l'agrégat≤60≤60≤60≤60≤60
Inventaire d'entrepôt de granulats3×4,5m33×6m34×6m34×8m34×10m3
Inventaire d'entrepôt de matériaux mélangés6m36m36m36m36m3
Précision de la portée de mesure globale(kilos)/Précision<±2%<±2%<±2%<±2%<±2%
Précision de la portée de mesure de l'eau(kilos)/Précision<±1%-±2%<±1%-±2%<±1%-±2%<±1%-±2%<±1%-±2%
Précision de la portée de mesure du ciment(kilos)/Précision<±1%<±1%<±1%<±1%<±1%
Vitesse du mélangeur63.2tr/min63.2tr/min63.2tr/min65tr/min65tr/min
Puissance totale75kW102.7kW120.2kW155.5kW175.5kW